C'est assez drôle, cette aventure, j'en ai tellement parlé pendant ces derniers mois avec chacun, famille amis, que la réalité du départ avait presque été oubliée. On peut bien partir 1000 fois en rêve, il n'y aura jamais la petite angoisse de l'inconnu qui apparait soudainement au fond du ventre quand on réalise qu'on ne reviendra pas et qu'on ne reverra pas ceux qu'on laisse avant un petit moment.
Demain matin départ pour Londres avec cette fois un retour prévu dans plusieurs mois, 4 au mieux, à 5 pour Cape Town et après on verra.
Certains s'étonneront que je n'ai pas marqué le coup. Bah ne m'en veuillez pas trop, les au-revoir, bon voyage etc, c'est pas trop mon truc :)
Au revoir Paris et à bientôt pour des news on the road en Afrique!
Nb1 : Je laisse mon appartement parisien en état, ceux qui veulent squatter, déposer des fleurs, organiser un pélerinage, ou encore mieux arroser les, bon ok plutôt la plante, pendant mon absence pourrons s'adresser à Mme Beziers ma concierge.
Nb2 : En Afrique il sont dingos du mobile et il y a le reseau dans toutes les grandes villes, donc j'amène mon portable.
5 commentaires:
Bonne route mon petit loup ! Tom from Paris !
Comment? Déjà?? T'es parti et on a même pas eu le temps de jouer avec ton nouvel appareil photo?
Tout ca me rappelle le départ facon motard: Partir, c'est pourrir un pneu.
Fallait bien que quelqu'un la fasse.
Bonne route!
Hello My Dear - Greetings from San Francisco! Oh my goodness, what an adventure! Your bicycle is so fancy! I think those Africans will be very jealous of it. You better sleep on the motorcycle or put it under your pillow at night. ;-} I'm so glad you will travel with Brits - they are fun! I will send pictures of our new baby to your regular email. (I must improve my french or enlist MCRonald to translate.) - Lori 23 Mars 2006
baahh tu fais un peu golgoth 13 avec le casque et le (mortel) blouson... alors sur un vélo quel contraste...
bon on pense à toi bien fort et à tes charmants compagnons à pinces et à plein de pattes...
ramènes en un dans un bocal pour nous impressioner au retour
so long...
Shopping For New Bicycle AccessoriesMy son got a new bike for Christmas. He also received gifts of money from various relatives for purchasing bicycle accessories. He totaled up his money and we visited a website together to choose which bicycle accessories that he wanted.My son told me before we even got to the website that he had also been saving his allowance. He was sure that he could buy all of the bicycle accessories that his heart desired. I like that he has been saving his money for what he really wants.I told my son that we need to find all of the bicycle accessories that would make riding safer. He agreed. We found a 12v Generator with a Krypton bulb. I will be a lot happier with him riding his bike when the sun is going down if he has some illumination.He liked the idea of the headlight and agreed to it. He found another safety item for his new bicycle accessories. He found red flashing safety lights. I think that he said they were cool.A bell was the third of the bicycle accessories to get picked. I wish it was as loud as a car horn, but I think it really will be effective for its intended use. He saw a plastic horn and thought that it was stupid.I told my son that if he wanted to ride his new bike to school, then two of his new bicycle accessories needed to be a lock and a helmet. He had trouble finding a helmet that matched the paint on his new bike. I told him that we could go to a local sporting goods store to find the right one. He also preferred a different kind of bike lock than this website had to offer.We had a good time finding the bicycle accessories for his new bike. I think that he is going to have a lot of fun and some more freedom. I am thinking that I may want to sign him up for a bike safety class and also a minor bike repairs class. Both of those would teach him a lot.To learn more about everything bicycles vist my site at: BrensMartUSA Bicycles Have a geat day and stay healthy!Brenda Sue
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